A combined 166 years of sales experience allows our sales staff to assist our clients in their life insurance, health insurance, and investment needs. We specialize in senior market products as well as all forms of financial planning and investments.
Atlantic Office
M-F 8am – 5pm (or after hours by appointment)
Storm Lake Office
M-F 9am – 4:30pm *Appointments preferred*
FINRA BrokerCheck

George Howard
George Howard, LUTCF, began his career in the insurance business in 1956. George went independent in 1962 and founded Cherry Corner Insurance Agency. It was located on the corner of Cherry and 7th Street for many years (thus the history of the name) George still continues to work full-time because he truly loves what he does!

Susan Howard Fitzpatrick
George’s daughter Susan Howard Fitzpatrick, LUTCF joined the business in 1977 with a branch office in Storm Lake, IA. She also sees clients in the Atlantic office.

Mike Howard
George’s son Michael Howard joined the family business in 1982 and works out of the Atlantic office.

Sharon Howard
Wife and mother, Sharon Howard handles all of the bills, payroll and accounting.

Marsha Kragelund
Marsha Kragelund is our office manager for the past 20 years, and is also licensed to sell life and health insurance.

Jessie Oswalt
Jessie Oswalt, licensed Customer Service Representative, is new to Cherry Corner Agency and has 9 years experience in the insurance industry in the Atlantic area.